An FCN Financial Coach In Your Corner
Success isn't just hard work; the right financial coach provides the guidance, encouragement, and accountability needed to help you achieve your success.
FCN Financial coaches have prioritized the resources they need to better serve their clients.
Deeper Knowledge
FCN Financial Coaches have access to FCN's proprietary knowledgebase of advanced personal finance topics; allowing them to better serve their clients. When you ask your coach a question, the answer isn't limited just to what's in their head.
The knowledgebase is designed to provide coaches with the information they need to better address the needs of their clients. The knowledgebase also provides coaches with the information they need to identify when a client's question may require guidance from other professionals due to potential legal, tax, investment risks, or other implications.
Developed by Joshua Escalante Troesh, CFP; a Tenured Professor of Business and Personal Finance. In addition to being ranked the #1 financial advisor nationally by Investopedia Advisor Insights,* Joshua has been quoted in dozens of articles in Forbes, Consumer Reports, US News & World Report, CNBC, and other media.
Joshua has also written personal finance curriculum adopted by multiple community colleges and approved by the Cal State University system’s Chancellors Office for meeting General Education requirements for all Cal State Universities.

Proven Framework
A coaching process based on the CFP practice standards
The proven framework of the CFP Practice Standards** provide the foundation upon which FCN Coaches build their coaching process around their specific clientele. Your coach then expands on this framework to create a process to serve the exact people they have a passion to help.

Uniquely You
A coaching process customized to your unique needs
The framework is customized based on the unique needs of the financial coach's client; resulting in better client experiences and results. FCN Coaches provide a truly unique coaching process for their clients rather than a cookie-cutter approach to coaching.

Deep Resources
Your coach has access to a deep bench of resources to serve you
Your coach can then draw on numerous FCN resources to better serve their clients including our proprietary knowledgebase, a community of other coaches with their own specialties, and a Mastermind group to provide their own mechanism for accountability to better serve their clients.
A Client Focus rather than a business focus
Every service professional must serve two masters; their clients and their business. This is true of doctors, lawyers, accountants, and financial coaches.
Every minute spent on the business is less time to spend on serving clients
FCN provides financial coaches with support around the business side of owning a business including marketing, operations, product development, technology, and more. This allows FCN coaches to spend less time working on their business and more time working with you.
While being a member of FCN is good business for the financial coach, it's mostly good business because it allows them to better serve their clients.
To help 6.4 million American households change their financial future through helping financial coaches build and grow successful businesses.
30+ BEST PRACTICES for successfully
launching a financial coaching business
*Ranked #1 advisor on Investopedia Advisor Insights November 2018 to July 2019 when Investopedia discontinued Advisor Insights. Investopedia Advisor Insights ranking based upon the helpfulness of answers to questions posted on the Investopedia website as voted by Investopedia’s audience. Ranking does not consider investment returns, client satisfaction, or other factors.
**CFP is a registered trademark of the CFB Board. FCN and the CFP Board are not affiliated.