#28: What is a good account for an emergency fund besides a savings account?

Season #1

Episode 28: What is a good account for an emergency fund besides a savings account?

Today, join Josh and Garrett as they discuss emergency funds and where to put emergency fund money other than savings accounts!

3 key takeaways:

  • Savings accounts are FINE but it’s easy to transfer money back out, so sometimes it’s easier to set up some barriers to easy transfers.
  • The purpose of an emergency fund is NOT to get a return on it!
  • Options for where clients should put their emergency funds:
    • High Yield Savings Account (consider accessibility)
    • CDs (consider liquidity)
    • Cash (consider scale)
    • Whole Life Insurance/Universal Life Insurance (IF the prerequisites make sense; also be careful because licensing is required to discuss)
    • TIPS - Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (more esoteric: i-bonds or e-bonds)
    • Roth IRA (be careful because licensing is required to discuss; you cannot legally tell a client to sell things from their IRA)

Resources mentioned in this episode:

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