#41: How to keep track of where clients are in the process

Season #1

Episode 41: How to keep track of where clients are in the process

As clients move through your coaching process…how do you track what they’ve done? It may not be the most thrilling topic, but it’s vitally important.

Top 5 takeaways:

  1. Create your process FIRST, then find technology to assist you in solving that problem.
  2. First, think about what milestones you hope your clients will achieve so you know what you’re tracking progress towards.
  3. Don’t start with automation and tech; start with milestones until you have solidified those.

Want help building or growing a successful financial coaching business? Find resources below based on where you’re at in your journey:

Are you already coaching clients and want to grow your business to a full-time income? Join FCN Grow, our program that helps you scale your business to a full-time income. https://www.financialcoachesnetwork.com/grow