Financial Coaches Network - The Podcast: Build your Financial Coaching Business

Financial Coaches Network - The Podcast: Build your Financial Coaching Business

Hosted by: Joshua Escalante Troesh, Garrett Philbin, Amelie Riendl, and Emily Blain

Looking to build a successful financial coaching business? Join thousands of others in the Financial Coaches Community who are building successful financial coaching businesses. Hosted by Joshua Escalante-Troesh...


#124: What are the top things that waste your time as a coach?

Season #1

Josh and Emily discuss things that waste business owners’ time. We also call ourselves out for OUR biggest time-wasters! Top things to think about: Marketing is a huge waste of time. Operations are a huge waste of...
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#123: Reading the Financial Tea Leaves - Ratio Analysis

Season #1

Josh is joined by special guest Professor Trelawney–or rather, Amelie–to discuss a seemingly-boring topic that has led to surprisingly wonderful client responses…financial ratios! Debt-to-income, Top things to think...
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#122: What's the difference between advice I give and advice that financial gurus give?

Season #1

Josh and Emily discuss the difference between “them” and “us”—household name financial advice givers versus individual financial coaches. Top things to think about: Gurus give general advice (even to individuals)...
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#121: How to avoid your sales call turning into a free coaching session

Season #1

Josh and Amelie talk about free sales calls. Should you coach during your sales call? What is the point of a sales call anyway? Top things to think about: If you see the primary goal of the sales call as “a way to...
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#120: How do I create effective business goals?

Season #1

Josh and Emily discuss business goals today! How do you set goals, how do you decide if they’re good goals, and how do you stick to them? Top things to think about: SMART goals started in the business world. A and R...
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#119: Is the snowball method the best way to pay off debt?

Season #1

Join Josh and Amelie to discuss debt payoff methods! Is the snowball method the best way? Top things to think about: The two most commonly talked about methods are the debt snowball and the debt avalanche...
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#118 - “Whatever the client wants to talk about”

Season #1

Join Josh and Emily to discuss why having a meeting agenda is important…and why having the agenda consist exclusively of “whatever the client wants to talk about…” is NOT a good idea. Top things to think about: It’s...
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#117: What to do when you're stuck/in a funk...and how do I build a support system for myself as a new business owner?

Season #1

Join Josh and Amelie to discuss how to get yourself out of a funk and how to build a support system to help pull you out. Top things to think about: If there is one thing that is holding you back from moving forward...
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#116 - What are ways to make money as a financial coach beyond 1:1 or group coaching?

Season #1

Join Josh and Emily to discuss ways to make money as a financial coach outside of…coaching! Top things to think about: Do you have a valuable certification (hard to get, of value to society, recognized, etc.) or...
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#115: I have imposter syndrome–help!

Season #1

 Join Josh and Amelie to discuss Imposter Syndrome. Top takeaways: Imposter syndrome can show up in three ways: “there’s so much I don’t know!”, “this is easy, why would someone pay me?”, and actual “I have no idea...
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#114: Paid vs Free Promotion Opportunities

Season #1

Join Josh and Emily as they discuss pros and cons of paid and free promotion opportunities. Which is better? What should you think about? Top takeaways: You have much less control over free marketing options. Make...
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#113: When (if ever) does whole life insurance make sense?

Season #1

Join Josh and Amelie to talk about Whole/Universal Life Insurance! As Amelie was studying for her AFC exam, she found herself wondering when–if ever–whole life insurance makes sense. Top takeaways: First question to...
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