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FCN MoneyCoach Release Notes July 2023

fcn moneycoach release notes Jul 31, 2023

The following release notes relate to:
Application Version:

SDK Version: 3.0.20 20230724


Open Banking – Over 700 New Institutions In Progress!


We’re excited to announce the availability of the Open Banking connection for Jack Henry, a technology service provider for almost 700 financial institutions. These banks are being migrated to Open Banking in batches in Q3 2023. Once the sites are enabled, existing customers will need to re-add or 'Edit Credentials' for each Jack Henry connection. See the list of institutions that have or plan to transition to Open Banking. 

Open Banking connections are better, faster, more reliable and more secure and will provide an improved user experience for your consumers. Connecting via Open Banking helps to avoid impact from provider actions such as site blocking and MFA challenge at login, which have recently become more frequent.



Reporting Enhancements for Improved Client Management

Carrying on from what’s been the norm for the last few months, we have made further improvements to reports, specifically the Institutional Exposure and Client Summary reports. Each of these client management reports now have improved overall insight and value. These reports are available via the Adviser Portal under the “ACROSS ADVISERS” or “ACROSS CLIENTS” tabs.

We have added more relevant information about linked institutions, the number of accounts refreshed and the number of accounts in error to the Institutional Exposure Report, as shown below.

Picture4 v2

Similarly, the Client Summary Report now contains much more relevant information, including general information about each client’s linked accounts, along with a snapshot of how clients are tracking towards their goals and key financial health indicators.


Performance Fixes

There have also been more improvements made to performance and user experience this month. Some of you may have experienced a lengthy delay in loading the Dashboard when switching to view a client account from the Adviser Portal. This problem has now been rectified and all client accounts load as expected. In addition, a bug that was causing the dashboard to not display correctly for new client users has been fixed.

We also made some general improvements to the speed of several reports (including the Client Summary Report) during the month.


Other Fixes and Enhancements:

  • Enhancement: There is more information in the ‘Site Upgrade’ tile. The optimum size required to upload a company logo to the MoneyCoach Adviser Portal is now shown.


If you would like more detail on this or previous fixes, please get in touch with MoneyCoach Support ([email protected]) or contact your Account Manager.