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FCN MoneyCoach Release Notes September/October 2023

fcn moneycoach release notes Oct 31, 2023

The following release notes relate to: 
Application Version: 

SDK Version: 2.0.0 20231020 


Open Banking update 

Open Banking data feeds are now available for those registered with Moneysoft as a Trusted Adviser. We have found that Open Banking data feeds are superior to the traditional Digital Data Capture (or “screen scraping”) feeds, however both may be available to you and your clients, depending on each institution's requirements. This is important, as not every institution offers Open Banking, while others have disabled screen scraping altogether. 

With Open Banking data feeds, clients may consent to share data for up to 365 days at a time. 

For more information, visit  ‘Open Banking’ on Moneysoft's website.


Software Improvements

A property address confirmation feature in the Auto Fact Find ‘Basic Information’ module has now been removed, as we had experienced configuration problems with Google. We don’t believe this is necessary as addresses can be confirmed externally and the time taken to complete the form is now reduced. 

A bug that led to calendar entries duplicating when a an existing entry was modified has been fixed.

The Cash Flow report tile on the Main Dashboard has been enhanced by removing unused white space, the chart enlarged so it is easier to view, and some changes to the text and tooltips to make them easier to read. We continue to refine the presentation of our reports so that important information is easily identifiable and clear.

Finally, a bug that was preventing new clients from receiving their invitation email was recognized and quickly rectified. A big thank you to clients that notified us. This bug was due to an external factor, and we may not otherwise have been aware of it without your feedback. 


Performance fixes and upgraded app. 

Yet more improvements have been made to performance and user experience in September and October. Our tech team is working diligently on the release of a new android app that have same capabilities of the desktop and a release is expected soon.


If you would like more detail on this or previous fixes, please get in touch with MoneyCoach Support ([email protected]) or contact your Account Manager.